
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare. To commemorate the English poet and playwright, the Shanghai Translators Association is holding a contest to see who can best capture a never-before-translated work about Shakespeare into Chinese. The contest is intended to kindle interest in poetry this summer.


1. 参赛年龄:45周岁以下。
Participants must be under 45.

2. 将主办方提供的英文诗歌原文翻译成中文。
Participants should translate the original English poem into Chinese.

3. 译诗体裁不限,以贴近莎士比亚的诗歌作品风格为佳。
There are no style requirements for the Chinese translation, although 
translators should try to stay as close as possible to the original text.

4. 参赛译文要求原创,如经查证涉及抄袭、剽窃等侵权行为,取消评奖资格,相关后果自负。
All translations have to be original. Anyone found to have committed plagiarism will be disqualified.

5. 来稿作品均被视为同意授权主办方对入围作品进行修改、编辑、出版或在各种媒体上公开发表,尊重参赛者署名权,不另付稿酬。
Submitted translations may be revised, edited and published in different media. Translators will be credited with a byline for their published works. No copyright payments will be awarded.。

6. 投稿方式:本次作品征集采用网络投稿,参赛作品以附件形式提交,请于邮件标题中写明:“最翁之译”竞赛。注意附件中须包括两个WORD格式文件;译文和个人信息(标题采用三号黑体,正文五号宋体)。译文中请不要添加任何与译者个人身份信息相关的文字或符号,否则译文无效;个人信息中请写明姓名、性别、出生年月日、工作学习单位及家庭住址、联系电话、E-MAIL地址等。投稿请发送至邮箱shfyjxh@sta.org.cn。联系电话:021-62473142。

Entries should be sent to shfyjxh@sta.org.cn in attachment. The email subject should be “Translation contest of poem about Shakespeare”. The translation and contact details should be attached in Word format. The translation should contain no information about the translator, otherwise the entry will be deemed invalid. Contact details should show the translator’s name, gender, birth date, address (including post code), and mobile phone number. Call (021) 6247-3142 for enquiry.

7. 征稿截止时间:2016年7月31日(以邮箱收到的邮件发送时间为准)
The deadline is July 31, based on the email sent time.

The panel of judges consists of five to six translators, including Tu An and Wu Juntao, and Shakespeare experts. Votes will be cast anonymously.

One first prize (3,000 yuan or gifts of equivalent value), two second prizes (1,000 yuan or gifts of equivalent value) and seven prizes of excellence (500 yuan or gifts of equivalent value) will be awarded to 10 finalists.

* 本次大赛的未尽事宜和最终解释权归属竞赛组委会
The organizing committee reserves the right of final explanation.


Please refer to the following of the original poem about Shakespeare for translation:

John Sterling (1806–44)

HOW little fades from earth when sink to rest
The hours and cares that mov’d a great man’s breast!
Though naught of all we saw the grave may spare,
His life pervades the world’s impregnate air;
Though Shakespeare’s dust beneath our footsteps lies,
His spirit breathes amid his native skies;
With meaning won from him forever glows
Each air that England feels, and star it knows;
His whisper’d words from many a mother’s voice
Can make her sleeping child in dreams rejoice,
And gleams from spheres he first conjoin’d to earth
Are blent with rays of each new morning’s birth.
Amid the sights and tales of common things,
Leaf, flower, and bird, and wars, and deaths of kings,
Of shore, and sea, and nature’s daily round,
Of life that tills, and tombs that load the ground,
His visions mingle, swell, command, pace by,
And haunt with living presence heart and eye;
And tones from him by other bosoms caught
Awaken flush and stir of mounting thought,
And the long sigh, and deep impassion’d thrill,
Rouse custom’s trance, and spur the faltering will.
Above the goodly land more his than ours
He sits supreme enthron’d in skyey towers,
And sees the heroic brood of his creation
Teach larger life to his ennobled nation.
O shaping brain! O flashing fancy’s hues!
O boundless heart kept fresh by pity’s dews!
O wit humane and blithe! O sense sublime
For each dim oracle of mantled Time!
Transcendent Form of Man! in whom we read
Mankind’s whole tale of Impulse, Thought, and Deed;
Amid the expanse of years beholding thee,
We know how vast our world of life may be;
Wherein, perchance, with aims as pure as thine,
Small tasks and strength may be no less divine.

by JOHN STERLING (1839).